Call RunAndReport("", "2.0.50727") Sub RunAndReport(site, strVersions) If WScript.Arguments.Count = 0 Then Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Call objShell.Run("""" + WScript.ScriptFullName + """ 1", 0, True) Set objShell = Nothing Else Call RunAndReport2(site, strVersions) End If EnableIEHosting() ' The EnableIEHosting registry key is required when .NET Framework 4.5 is installed on the client machine End Sub Sub RunAndReport2(site, strVersions) Dim strPass, strFail Dim strFinalResult, strRunResult Dim intIcon Dim arVersions Dim strVer If strVersions = "" Then MsgBox "No .NET Framework version was detected on your computer!" + Chr(13) + "Please install .NET Framework before running this tool", 16, "STARLIMS v10 Browser configuration" WScript.Quit End If If MsgBox("This tool will automatically configure the .NET security according to STARLIMS requirements." + Chr(13) + Chr(13) + "Do you want to continue?", 32 + 4, "STARLIMS v10 Browser configuration" ) = 7 Then WScript.Quit End If arVersions = Split(strVersions, ",") strFinalResult = "" strPass = "" strFail = "" intIcon = 0 For Each strVer In arVersions strRunResult = RunCasPol(site, strVer) If strRunResult = "" Then strPass = strPass + "> v" + strVer + Chr(13) Else strFail = strFail + "> v" + strVer + ": " + strRunResult + Chr(13) End If Next If Len(strPass) > 0 Then strFinalResult = strFinalResult + _ "Browser configured succesfully for running STARLIMS software on the following .NET Frameworks." + _ Chr(13) + "New STARLIMS codegroups were added to your .NET machine settings." + Chr(13) + Chr(13) + _ strPass + Chr(13) + Chr(13) intIcon = 64 End If If Len(strFail) > 0 Then strFinalResult = strFinalResult + _ "Browser configuration failed on the following .NET frameworks." + Chr(13) + Chr(13) + _ strFail + Chr(13) + Chr(13) If intIcon = 0 Then intIcon = 16 Else intIcon = 48 End If If intIcon <> 16 Then strFinalResult = strFinalResult + "Please close your browser before accessing the application!" Else strFinalResult = strFinalResult + "Please contact your systems adminstrator." End If MsgBox strFinalResult, intIcon, "STARLIMS v10 Browser configuration" End Sub Function RunCasPol(site, strVer) Dim objShell Dim strCasPolArgs Dim strCasPolExe Dim strCommandLine Dim intRunStatus strCasPolArgs = BuildCommandArguments(site) If strCasPolArgs = "" Then RunCasPol = "Cannot build command line arguments for CasPol.exe. Probably site name was not specified." Exit Function End If Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") strCasPolExe = objShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v" + strVer + "\caspol.exe") If Not FileExists(strCasPolExe) Then RunCasPol = "Cannot locate " + strCasPolExe + " command line tool." Exit Function End If strCommandLine = strCasPolExe + " -polchgprompt off" Call objShell.Run(strCommandLine, 0, True) strCommandLine = strCasPolExe + " -rg ""STARLIMS " + site + """" Call DelExistingSTARLIMSCodeGroups(objShell, strCommandLine) strCommandLine = strCasPolExe + " " + strCasPolArgs intRunStatus = objShell.Run(strCommandLine, 0, True) If intRunStatus <> 0 Then RunCasPol = "CasPol.exe command line tool returned this error code: " & CStr(intRunStatus) Exit Function End If Set objShell = Nothing RunCasPol = "" End Function Function BuildCommandArguments(site) If site = "" Then BuildCommandArguments = "" Exit Function End If BuildCommandArguments = "-m -ag 1 -site " + site + " FullTrust -n ""STARLIMS " + site + """ -d ""This code group grants the FullTrust permission set to assemblies of STARLIMS software.""" End Function Function FileExists(strFilePath) Dim objFs Set objFs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") FileExists = objFs.FileExists(strFilePath) Set objFs = Nothing End Function Sub DelExistingSTARLIMSCodeGroups(objShell, strCommandLine) Dim intRunStatus intRunStatus = 0 Do While intRunStatus = 0 intRunStatus = objShell.Run(strCommandLine, 0, True) Loop End Sub Sub EnableIEHosting() ' The EnableIEHosting registry key is required when .NET Framework 4.5 is installed on the client machine Set Shell = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" ) Shell.RegWrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\EnableIEHosting", 1, "REG_DWORD" Shell.RegWrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\.NETFramework\EnableIEHosting", 1, "REG_DWORD" End Sub